What is Eye Cream?
The eye cream is a solution that one applies around the eye area. This usually takes place during the evening, as a part of one’s nightly skin care ritual. Eye creams have become an essential part of everyone’s daily skin care routine over the past several years. Studies have shown that the skin in the eye area is more delicate than the skin on the face, and is therefore more prone to wrinkles and other types of skin damage. Eye creams are meant to help keep the eye area moisturized and hydrated in order to prevent and control the signs of skin damage and aging.
Here are the major benefits one can enjoy from using tested and proven eye cream:
Wrinkle Reduction: A lot of young women in their early to mid-twenties are advised to start using eye cream for the purpose of reducing* and controlling the appearance of fine lines. As we all know, these signs of skin aging start to appear early due to many causes like sun exposure, dry skin, rubbing, tugging and pulling (as when you put on and take off makeup).One could argue that no one is immune from wrinkles. The best way to deal with this skin issue is to be proactive start early so that you can you can slow down the signs of skin aging. This will one of those preventive measures that you will thankful that you made at an early age this will save you from having to spend exorbitant amounts of money on more invasive procedures to help correct the damage that was done to the skin around your eye area.
Skin Texture: As previously mentioned, the skin around the eyes is highly sensitive this is where the sign of skin aging and damage first show up. For those who have dry skin, it is especially tricky because the dryness and flakes around this region do not look attractive and can be irritating. Those who have an oily eye area, they can opt for an eye cream that can help keep the oiliness a bay. This could be particularly helpful for the ladies because controlling the oiliness will help keep eye makeup in place. Let’s face it: Not a lot of people are blessed with normal, healthy skin. When you use the proper eye cream for your skin, you can address your skin’s needs so that it can be at its best!
Moisturized Skin: Eye creams are essentially, a specialized type of moisturizer. Most of the time, the formulation is delicate enough to keep this sensitive area moisturized without causing damage. It’s all a matter of identifying what your skin needs, and what specific ingredients work best for your skin. This process takes time, patience and a considerable amount of money (if you’re going to try out different products), but it will be worth it. Having moisturized skin around the eyes will make you look younger and healthier!
Protection: Eye creams do not only serve the purpose of moisturizing and hydrating the eye area, it also protects it from further damage that your eye area may have already been subjected to prior to using the product think of it as damage control. Some makeup artists even apply eye cream before putting makeup on to add a layer of moisture and protection from the makeup. The fact is, certain types and brands of eye makeup might be too harsh for certain skin types putting eye cream adds a layer of protection to keep this region from harsh chemicals and more damage.
Our Highly Recommended Products Are :
Eyecorrect8 is a multi-active concentrated serum formulated with 100% pure peptide solutions as developed and manufactured by Lipotec of Barcelona, Spain. Lipotec is a world leader in the creation and testing of peptides and delivery systems for use in the beauty industry.
The first Lipotec peptide in EyeCorrect8 is Eyedeline. Eyedeline is derived from active marine biotechnology and is designed to reduce fluid extravasation, boost collagen and elastin synthesis, and decrease glycation for a younger looker complexion. In Vivo manufacturer sponsored trials showed Eyedeline reduced the appearance of dark circles and also showed a great visible improvement in the reduction of eye bags.
The second Lipotec peptide is Eyeseryl. Eyeseryl is a tetrapeptide that has been designed to boost skin elasticity and have a visible decongesting effect. In Vivo manufacturer sponsored trials showed Eyeseryl to improve skin elasticity around the eyes by 30% and reduce puffy eyebags in 14 days. The third Lipotec peptide is Lipomoist, an exclusive and unique formulation delivering super hydration with firming.
Ciencias EyeCorrect8 was formulated and trialled over 5 years in Melbourne, Australia. This targeted multi-action formula will help restore a more youthful appearance to the eyes through improved elasticity and hydration combined with a visible reduction in dark circles and puffiness.